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08-01-2004 - 6:10 p.m.

Welcome to what I am calling the "Bear's Den". Don't be frightened, it's just a name. And what's in a name? I'll tell you. To borrow a term from our oriental friends "Dim Sum", meaning "a little of this, and a little of that." First I'll tell you about myself and introduce you to those I love and are close to. I guess I'll start with .... oh I don't know...... how 'bout me? O.K. I am thirty-two years old, a father of a thirteen going on fourteen year old boy, a twelve year old girl, and a five year old boy. Each one holds a huge chunk of my heart and soul. These little creatures have gotten me through a number difficult times in my life. They have given me a reason to pull myself up out of bed each day even when I wished I could just sleep forever. The other leg that I have used to stand on in those same times is my wife Nicole. She has stood by me through everything. Even the times when I should have been standing up for myself but couldn't, she was there defending me and holding me together and encouraging me to pull myself together and stand on my own. I'll probably end up telling you the details of those stories at another time. Well, that's me and my family in a nutshell. Gotta go. Tune in next time when I say.............

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